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Why choose PEMG?

  • Our written price guarantee.

  • Our Risk-Free selling methodology.

  • Our overseas marketing channel.

  • Our exceptional service.

‘PEMG is a real estate agency that puts the needs of our clients above all else’

In a world where it is difficult to differentiate one Real Estate Agent from another, this is our opportunity to show property buyers and sellers, just like you, what a positive real estate experience should be like.

From the very start of your interaction with PEMG, you’ll quickly realise that we are truly authentic and have a genuine desire to ensure your experience throughout the whole process is nothing short of exceptional.

‘We focus on achieving the best price available and have a written guarantee with respect to the well-researched selling price expectation’

Unfortunately, we are very well aware that many people just don’t trust Real Estate Agents due to some unscrupulous practices that have tarnished our industry's reputation.

Surprisingly there are still homeowners who willingly hand over their biggest financial asset to agents without any agreed minimum performance guarantee. Nor do they even ask the simplest of questions in order to protect their personal finances… “what happens to the money that I agree to pay for advertising and marketing expenses if you don’t sell my home at a price I am happy with?”

Some agents (incompetently or deliberately) even over-quote your property value to win your business, then typically later present you with a (much) lower offer, still expecting you to pay for the advertising and marketing fees in their sales agency agreement regardless of whether your property is not sold.

Regrettably, nearly all real estate agents use this technique to gain a listing but most home sellers are unaware this is happening until it is too late … if ever.

“Our Price Guarantee: if your property sells below the price we quote, you are not obliged to pay anything. Not one cent.”

As a client of PEMG, you will not be subject to this process or exposed to unnecessary risks. In fact, we give you the unique ability to enter the real estate market ‘risk-free’ with a written guarantee with respect to a well-researched selling price expectation.

'We have established multiple channels on different social platforms which have thousands of followers viewed, commented, saved and made offer on our listings.'

Most agents advertise listings only on and PEMG has successfully generated inquires and offers from other platforms. The active overseas market brings more buyer leads towards local market. And it is all free!

‘Home sellers who become aware of PEMG and our unique point of difference are placing their trust in us to sell their property’

Not surprisingly, they prefer to deal with an agency that places the seller’s financial needs above that of the real estate agency and is prepared to guarantee an expected selling price in writing.

Coupled with our first-class level of service is that everything we do is designed to protect you from financial loss and put more money in your pocket at settlement time.

As the owner of your property, you have the right to expect the best price available for your property, especially if the buyer was prepared to pay more but your agent failed to get it.

At all times, we focus our efforts on achieving the best price available. But this isn’t just talk, we can show you how we have achieved exceptional sale results for all our clients over and above that of those standard real estate agent practices. We can also demonstrate to you how standard selling techniques, commonly used in the marketplace are losing money for homeowners.

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